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Archive for October 2009

When Does the GOP Start Supporting Healthcare Reform?

It must be getting uncomfortable to be a Republican politician supporting Glenn Beck’s “Health Care Reform is Communist!” platform.   As congressman John Culberson (R-TX) is finding out, it’s all well and good until you start listening to the people who (might be) re-electing you.  Since only 1% of America watches Beck, simply parroting him may not be the wisest campaign strategy.

HT to BarbinMD at DailyKOS for so succinctly putting this one in her diary Culberson Push Polls A Tea Bag Full Of Fail

When asked if they support the Democratic Party efforts to reform the health insurance system, what do the voters in Congressman Culberson’s district have to say?

"The War on Faux"

I have probably watched more Fox “News” than any regular here on The Moose. In fact, I’d wager I have watched more of it than most rank and file Republicans, since I’m much more of a news junky than your average Joe. Growing up in a conservative household, it was pretty hard to escape it. (I have probably listened to more Rush than the rest of you, too, for that matter.) I have always enjoyed my parents — despite their unfortunate political leanings, they are smart, funny, cool people in most respects — and since they watched Fixed News in the den, I spent a lot of time viewing it as well, simply because it was a way of spending time with them and discussing the day’s events.

Women gang raped by soldiers are speaking out

Decided to cross-post this here as it goes hand in hand with Sricki’s diary on Republicans and Rape.

International News agencies have been following the aftermath of the brutal killings in Conakry, and Secretary of State Clinton has spoken out strongly against the violence.

Here is the background on the events of Sept 28th, in a stadium in Conakry, Guinea.

Political crisis in Guinea Conakry womens rape

The Pro-(R)ape Party

I think it’s a reasonably well accepted fact among educated individuals that Republicans aren’t known for believing in or supporting women’s rights. Whether it’s the traditional party policy of standing against a woman’s right to choose, conservative gubernatorial candidates joking that rape victims should “relax and enjoy it,” presidential nominees voting against equal pay legislation for women, or the unofficial GOP spokesperson Rush Limbaugh himself popularizing the term “feminazi” to describe women who refuse to live their lives barefoot and pregnant in front of the oven, Republicans have come up with plenty of creative ways to demean women and oppose gender equality.

Image from Republicans For Rape

Public Option Close to Vote in House [Update]

The Medicare+5 public option is apparently eight votes short of passage in the house according to Representative Raul Grijalva (D-AZ):

The robust public option is eight votes short of the 218 it needs to pass the House, Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) tells HuffPost.

Grijalva, as co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, has been counting support for a public option tied to Medicare rates — the so-called Medicare plus five — over the last few weeks.

“We anticipate that we’re at 210,” he said. “We feel that the momentum is all on the robust Medicare plus five public option.”

Grijalva said that “25-plus” Democrats have said they will vote no. “Some of those no’s are no regardless. It has nothing to do with the public option,” he said, putting the number of those firm no-votes at 18 or 19.

There are 256 Democrats in the House. With 25 or 30 no votes, that leaves only about 15 to 20 members still to decide. Progressives need roughly half of them.

He says that backers of the public option are focusing on those persuadable Democrats rather than negotiating with members who will vote no.

Ryan Grim – Public Option Within Eight Votes Of House Passage, Says Rep. Grijalva Huffington Post 21 Oct 09

If you favour a public option it’s probably time to do a little homework on your local representative and exert some political will if necessary.

Louisiana's multi-colored history and hypocrisy

There has been a small tempest in a teapot about the recent pronouncements made by Louisianan Keith Bardwell, Justice of the Peace who refused to marry an “inter-racial” couple.

Bardwell was interviewed on CBS two days ago and has “apologized”.  He still doesn’t see his actions as racist.  He’s sticking to his “concern for the children”.

Ironic in a state well-known for its fabled history of inter-ethnic mixing, touted world-wide as “Creole culture”, which includes its famous celebration of Mardi Gras, as well as its cuisine and music.

But then, given the long history in the state of not only forbidding marriages between “races”, and State statues which were not repealed until 1972,  five years after Loving Vs Virginia, can we only point a finger at Bardwell?  

The Growing Middle

MSNBC was happy to show today that the percentage of Americans self-identifying as Republican has sunk to yet another new low: 20%.  Given the behavior of what passes for a Republican party these days, I can’t say I’m disappointed myself.

But instead of just rubbing salt into the festering sore that passes for a Grand Ole Party, I thought I’d pause to consider the party that is growing the fastest:

“None of the Above.”

The Wedding Present

The procession had finally reached its goal.

Ayda, the bride, and her new husband

turned to say good bye to their escort.

Almost every able-bodied resident

of Ayda’s village had made the ten-mile trip.

It was the biggest procession in fifty years.

Her father had a huge smile on his face.

Her mother was just as pleased.

It had turned out to be a glorious May day.

The most beautiful day all spring

Ayda was ecstatic.

The ceremony was perfect.

The whole village attended.

Even some of the boys

who had joined the fighters

returned to celebrate with their clan.

Ayda was amazed that so many people

would walk all that way

to wish the newlyweds a good wedding.

And yet, here they were,

with the return trip still ahead,

shouting out their good wishes.

Some of the young men added to the din

by firing their guns into the air.

Dawud was puffed up with pride.

He had just married the most

desirable woman in the next village.

His parents were pleased.

The envy on the other men’s faces

was proof of his success.

Life was good.

He beamed at the crowd.

That’s when the first bomb hit.

Three more followed in quick succession.

When the dust settled,

the roadway was a mass of bleeding,

moaning, crying, screaming,

and silent humanity.

The wedding present came with a signed card.

It read, “Mr & Mrs Taxpayer – Heartland, U.S.A.”

Sen. Kyl Not Sure People Die From Lack of Health Insurance

On Meet the Press Sunday, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) was asked by host David Gregory if it is “a necessity to tackle the fact that there are more and more Americans who die because they don’t have access to health insurance?”

Kyl responded with incredulity:

I’m not sure that it’s a fact that more and more people die because they don’t have health insurance. But because they don’t have health insurance, the care is not delivered in the best and most efficient way.

Crossposted from The Huffington Post

Doing (Po)Orly

From MSNBC last week. Psycho birther, Orly Taitz is in a bit of trouble.

Federal Judge Clay Land slapped birther Orly Taitz with a $20,000.00 fine, for filing what he calls a frivolous lawsuit, by . In a scathing 43 page order District Judge Land claims that Ms Taitz is attempting to misuse the Federal courts to press “wild accusations”. The move follows a lawsuit by Taitz demanding President Obama prove his citizenship before deploying an army captain to Iraq and Afghanistan. Judge Land writes that Taitz behavior in the case borders on delusional

You remember Ms Taitz. She was on all the news shows earlier this summer. And just last month, she was convinced that she would have President Obama “out of office in 30 days.”

Oops. Poor Orly. She must be so disappointed.