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Why We Can't Wait on Solving the Climate Crisis

New Orleans may sink into the sea by 2100. Much of Florida may also be underwater by then. Drought will likely become the norm out West, meaning California could no longer provide the food we depend upon. Las Vegas may become downright inhabitable.

No, I’m not fabricating any of this. These will be the consequences of inaction if we continue to delay implementing the solutions we need to solve the coming climate crisis. But for some reason, may of our supposedly wise lawmakers in Capitol Hill are either willfully ignorant of the facts or downright lying about our future.

Seriously, we can’t allow any more of this.

The denialism and downright insanity that’s plaguing most Republicans and even some Democrats in Washington today may ultimately kill us tomorrow. This is why we barely passed a flawed and watered down bill in the House, and this is why we must act before we get an even worse bill out of the Senate.

What may be nearly as dangerous as the outright denial of climate change by the far right is the acceptance by the squishy centrists of half-baked, half-assed measures that don’t do enough. I know, I know, we always hear from these Washington Centrists that “this is what’s politically feasible”. But frankly, I’m done with “political feasibility” today. That won’t matter one bit if we’re all dead tomorrow.

President Obama promised us swift and bold action. So did Democratic Congressional leaders. And while much of the blame for past inaction goes to the “Party of No” Republicans that would rather profit today than ensure human survival tomorrow, we need for Senate Democrats to stand up for real action to prevent any more weakening of the climate bill.

No matter where we are, we all need to speak up and contact our Senators now! Also make sure to leave a note for the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, letting them know that we will fully back their efforts to craft a strong bill.  We can’t wait any longer to solve the climate crisis, and we can’t afford to settle for anything less than real solutions.

The people are on our side. Time, however, isn’t. We need to act now, before it’s too late.


  1. From the link provided:

    These so-called moderates are the real barrier to the progressive change that the country needs right now. As such, we should be directing our fire at them, rather that at the right-wing.

    Being a “squishy centrist” I have resumed my normal mode of listening to all ‘sides’ (not that I ever really stopped, but it’s hard to listen to a ‘side’ when you are actively competing against it).  I am starting to recognize the first (for me) few bits of sane observation coming from the Right since the last election, and while few and far between it is a sign that that portion of the political spectrum is beginning to stabilize.

    Simultaneously, I am hearing more and louder voices on the Left saying that they really don’t need that bothersome middle, anyway.  That if there could only be a Pure Liberal (I debate the leftish definition of “Progressive”) Democratic Party then all would be sunshine and roses.  Further, that the best way to achieve this is to “direct our fire at (centrists)” – to attack me, as it were – and everyone else like me who is not capable of passing the purity test of simply agreeing with  whatever the liberal party line is.

    Can anyone say “the shortest majority of any party in history”?  

    Just yesterday I’m called to task for not toeing the party line (in this case: that people are greedy scum) in a facebook thread:

    These findings don’t surprise me at all. The essentials of human nature never change, and believing that people, who are of their very nature, worshippers of money and power, would willingly share it was pure fantasy. It always has been.

    Mr. or Ms. Blask, occupying the middle an easy place to be. Poking fun at people of strong conviction on either side of the debate is safe but it rarely helps or changes things.

    Mr. XYZ, I so energetically disagree. On all counts: with the cynically hopeless view towards human nature; with the safety of the “middle” and the ease of occupying it; and that there is any necessity for occupying a ‘wing’ to help or change things.

    I welcome you to debate these things (and all things) on , where you will find me nearly always doing (or not doing, as you please) what I can.

    I do not hesitate to remind anyone that the one (single, only, sole) reason that there is a Democratic majority in Congress, the House and the White House is that “squishy centrists” voted Democratic en masse.  I further have no compunction whatsoever in stating that if the efforts at “directing fire at them” are successful then Democrats better pass everything they want PDQ because their ability to do so is going to evaporate like breath-fog on a black car in the Arizona sun.

    I will repost the comment from my local “Beck 9/12” action group list, for comparison:

    OK, I just got an indication from Vern about 20 minutes ago as to how he would vote on Waxman-Markey.  Many factors come in to play, and he is leaning strongly against it, but new developments are in play as we spoke.

    The offset oversight authority was just yanked from EPA and given to the Dept of Ag.  An interesting side note is that FPL already has the infrastructure in place that would prevent a big energy cost increase in District 13, and might even demand some offset payments to the positive side.  Vern is a fellow conservationist and is strongly concerned about the environment, but not Al Gore blind.  His charge is to serve his district along with the nation as a whole.  I think it is most wise to wait until the last info is in to make a final decision on something as vital as HR2454.

    When “Glenn Beck 9/12” members have more moderate things to say about Cap & Trade than liberal Mooses it may be time for the Democratic faithful to pause and consider.  

  2. creamer

    they will claim that science is divided or that there is a huge conspiracy to make money off cap and trade, but mostly they yhink it will cost them money and they want to “kick the can” down the road.

    I understand Adtleft’s frustration with congress’s seemingly inability to deal with this, but I don’t think its all Chris’s fault. Moderates tend to inhibit us from lurching too far one way or the other(though I still don’t understand “Reagan Democrats”).

    Personaly I’m not sure cap and trade will work, but its proably easier to pass than a straight carbon tax. I also worry that this legislation will interfere with health care. If I have to pick between healthy americans today and a sunburn in 2010…….

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