OK, here’s the deal, I love my grandma. She’s a cool old lady from the north side of Chicago. He’s an old school blue collar Dem, not a liberal. But she voted for BHO so we’re good. This isn’t some rant against old folks because I’ve got a grandma complex or something… I’m just ready to cut loose on someone with a diary and this felt like a good place to start.
OK, so with Obama taking office next week, maybe I should be singing kumbaya and loving my neighbors, just filled with good feelings and not all this piss and vinegar. But fuck that.
Where do I start? First, I guess I should acknowledge the accomplishments of the “Greatest Generation” by thanking them for defeating Hitler and the Japanese Empire in WWII. Without their efforts and sacrifices, we’d all be eating Bratwursts and Kraut a little more often. Their sacrifices to the war effort and bringing us out of the Great Depression should never be minimized. And I would never diminish that.
They have done so themselves, in my opinion. Yes, they brought us out of the Great Depression but they also, in many respects, gave us a new one. It was these folks and their redneck spawn that gave us 8 years of President Dumbfuck.
It was also this generation, and their leaders, who gave us the Middle East in it’s current form. Sliced up and misplaced cultures, combined into packages called nations that made no sense then and make even less sense today. I’m not sure things would’ve been different in the Middle East if different decisions had been made along the way… But it’s hard to imagine things being worse, isn’t it?
Further, it seems to me that a lot of old folks from the “Greatest Generation” are racists. Maybe it’s just the old people I know or maybe the racists just seem to live longer (ala “only the good die young”) but damn if I didn’t see a lot of “greatest generation” types at McCain rallies talking about Obama in the most blatantly racist terms possible. We’ve all seen the YouTubes of these rubes. If it were up to them, we’d have Bush’s third term starting next week!
This generation started off by giving us regulated industries to address the deficiencies that caused the depression. But then they turned around and voted Republican for a few decades to reverse it all. And what happened?
OK, OK… It isn’t all their fault. We all played a part in this disaster, I suppose. We could’ve come out and voted in the same numbers as our grandparents and put better leaders in place, avoiding the Bush hangover we’re all going to have to live through for the next generation. But that isn’t going to stop me from shouting down some old codger on the train today! I’M FIRED UP!!!!
Have a great weekend everyone, celebrate MLK day with your kids, expose them to true “greatness” and hopefully they’ll get to see it in action, a living example, starting the day after when the Obama Administration takes over from the Worst President Ever.