Michele Bachmann, Whack Job Authentique, not only called Barack Obama un-American on Hardball, she called for the reestablishment of the House Un-American Activities Committee to throw all those godless liberals out of Congress. To top it off, she seems to have gone and pushed Colin Powell over the edge with his public endorsement of Barack Obama. Clearly, Michele is weary and needs to go into retirement, but she needs our financial assistance to retire. Fortunately, we Democrats are doing a good job at putting together a nice kitty to send her away in grand style.
Minnesota Public Radio reports:
An official with Democrat Elwyn Tinklenberg’s campaign says the 6th District DFLer raised $620 thousand since GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann made her comments on Friday.
This time last evening, it was $488,000, so we’re all doing a yeoman’s service.
As a sign of your desire to have the Whack Job Authentique go to her well-deserved retirement:
1. Sign the petition asking Congress to censure Michele Bachmann.
2. Donate to Whack Job’s Democratic opponent, Elwyn Tinklenberg, to defeat her and replace her as the congressman from Minnesota’s sixth District come the November Election.