I have always enjoyed the writing of Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone (you can find his work “here” (sorry if my code doesn’t work I am out of practice due to my lab seclusion)…
But one point I thought was very poignant especially regarding the recent attitude of doom and gloom about Obama was the general cluelessness (that isn’t a word but I am using it anyways) of the vast majority of the experts about politics. Not only with the punditocracy but among bloggers as well. One of the main causes of the doom and gloom attitude is the idea that the person making the proclamation is somehow smarter than the rest of us, whether it someone like Roger Simon over at Politico or Matt Stoller at OpenLeft.
If I may have your patience to quote from another doomsayer whose blog I have killed my account at from about a year ago:
“…it is obvious that the Obama campaign needs to shake things up. The inevitability of Clinton is stronger than ever; Edwards has been inching up in early state polling; Obama has been tanking on the Intrade charts for nearly a month…”
Here is the link from the August 18th 2007 article: http://www.mydd.com/story/2007…
So what can I tell you about the Nov 2008 election?
1) Unless there are extreme (and I mean extreme [like a person surviving in a vacumn]) circumstances Obama will win MN and IA. One big reason for this is McCain’s strong opposition to ethanol, as ethanol is a key issue to one element (rural farmers) of the traditional republican alliance in these farm states
2) I think Obama will win the election (I offer the surge of new voters who are less likely to be accounted for in polls as reasoning for my statement about this but I will not make a definite claim, we all have work to do to make sure this happens).
3) in my state, the democrats will hold from 5-8 house seats (6 is most likely with the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th. 7th and 8th being blue and the 2nd and 6th staying red barely).
Other than that I can’t proclaim with definitely that because of XYZ event ABC will happen. I speak from my experience, I am not a operative, pundit or politico. I am just a guy, trying not to sink into debt.