Merry Wednesday, first day of Spring, etc.!
For the first couple of questions I want to revisit that one from yesterday where lots of people said, “I’ll get back to you.”
What musical event from any era in history would you like to be able to witness (as a fly on the wall or a human in the crowd). This could include anything from opera premieres, Mozart composing something, or the Festival Express, as long as it involves music. What historical political event would you like to be a fly on the wall at? What sounds can you absolutely not tolerate? What is your favorite feeling? What is your favorite memory of your parents?
The Twitter Emitter
Great nickname for Texas GOP Senator Ted Cruz with his crazy antics —> RT @limeylizzie: Carnival Cruz.
— The Fighting Liberal (@texyellowdogdem) March 19, 2013
Isn’t it cute when the party that wants to tell you when to give birth and whom to marry thinks it’s for smaller government?
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 19, 2013
Republicans are right. Spending is the problem. We spend way too much on subsidies to Big Oil and giveaways to corporate jet buyers
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) March 19, 2013
Lets take a moment to honor the brave men and women who supported the Iraq war without moving from their news desks.
— Jamie Kilstein (@jamiekilstein) March 19, 2013
If Voldemort and the Crypt Keeper had a child, it would look like Rick Scott.
— Karl (@JerryMander) March 20, 2013
2003 was also a year that conservatives didn’t give a crap about spending.
— Oliver Griswold (@originalgriz) March 20, 2013
John McCain: “I’d love to invade Iran, but I’m not unreasonable. I’ll settle for a quagmire in Syria if that’s the war that’s available.”
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) March 20, 2013
Yes, the Iraq War was sold to America based on lies, but Democrats are at fault too– it takes two to lie, one to lie and one to listen.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) March 20, 2013
Even braver than Bush’s decision to invade a country that didn’t attack us was his decision to cut taxes to not pay for it.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 20, 2013
DID YOU KNOW? 63% of Republicans believe we found WMDs in Iraq, while only 33% believe we found Obama’s birth certificate in Hawaii
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) March 20, 2013