Good morning, Bombazinos! It’s Terrible Tuesday. Terrible because I have a gazillion conference calls to do at work and will have even less time to hang out (not that I have time on good days).
If you could be sidekick to any hero out there, who would you pick (I call dibs on Aragorn!)? How many delivery menus do you have sitting around your place? How many different cuisines? Who were you named after? What do you drink your coffee (or tea) out of? Who is your favorite comedian of all time?
The Twitter Emitter
I wish my wife blamed “the media” for all my faults.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 4, 2013
Mitt Romney: “I still don’t understand why so many Latinos self-deported from the Republican Party in 2012”
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) March 4, 2013
Mitt & Ann Romney remind you that a media which spent 2 years questioning Obama’s citizenship was in the tank for Obama.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) March 4, 2013
The Daily Callers dramatic exposé that We Have Seen Ashley Judd’s Boobs is probably bad news for Lena Dunham’s presidential aspirations
— TBogg (@tbogg) March 4, 2013
Remember: Only you can prevent the horrible “Snowquester” name from sticking. #snowquester #noquester…
— Mike Madden (@mikemadden) March 5, 2013
#Sequester means 775,000 at-risk families lose access to food and baby formula, but good news! They can still get a subsidy for buying a jet
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) March 5, 2013
Not heard at #AIPAC2013: Let’s blow this place and go check out the Friends of Hamas after-party
— TBogg (@tbogg) March 5, 2013
FBI says sequester will impede their Wall St investigations, which I guess means they’ll have to shred the evidence they’ve been ignoring
— Dicey (@DiceyTroop) March 5, 2013
If one snow storm disproves climate change, one Republican infidelity disproves the “sanctity of marriage.”
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 5, 2013
More guns always = more safety! Just like more alcohol always = better dancing.
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) March 5, 2013
If you retweet this you’re going to hell.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) March 5, 2013