Good morning, bombshells! I hear silks is highly drugged on really good stuff, but is not yet ready for calls or visitors, being a wee bit out of sorts, but is otherwise doing well. In a few weeks time he should be tap dancing again.
We’ve all probably said at one time or another, “If I had a [insert monetary amount here] for every time [insert person or group here] said/did [insert word or action here]. If you actually could receive a dollar for every time [name of person or group] said [word/phrase], how would you choose to fill in those blanks? If commercial space travel was available, would you be up for it? What Star Trek invention (think holodeck, transporter, replicator, phaser, tricorder) do you wish was real and available now? What is your favorite fabric to wear? To sleep on? To sit on? Long hair or short hair (humans, that is)?
The Twitter Emitter
Twitter went on a regret binge last night.
Eric Cantor: “Obama’s spending is out of control. Sorry, that was last week. I blame Obama for all these spending cuts!” #GOPfail #tcot #p2
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 26, 2013
.@morning_joe Listening to Republicans talk about fiscal responsibility is exactly like dropping a brick on my toe during a prostate exam.
— Andrew Gatto (@AndrewGatto) February 27, 2013
That moment when you realize thatyou won’t be able to live tweet your own funeral.
— TBogg (@tbogg) February 27, 2013
I’m more concerned about Scalia Law than Sharia Law
— Zirgar (@Zirgar) February 28, 2013
maybe woodward will tell hannity ACORN is behind the sequester.
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) February 28, 2013
The Onion: “Is it too soon to call Scalia a c–t?
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 28, 2013
Bob Woodward also claims President Obama is no longer allowing employees to work from home.
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) February 28, 2013
“regrets, i’ve had a few” – frank sinatra totally being threatening
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) February 28, 2013
I have a feeling like everyone on Twitter is going to regret tonight, regardless of their opinions.
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) February 28, 2013
“Gee, Mr. Woodward, two chili dogs & a second shake? Are you sure you won’t regret this?” Threatened at Dairy Queen-they have men EVERYWHERE
— tabgirl (@tabgirl) February 28, 2013
Bob Woodward, that’s the guy who had that big hit album in the 70s, right? Did he go solo? Is he still putting out stuff?
— Frank Vdl (@fvdlfvdl) February 28, 2013
Antonin Scalia: Good To The Last Derp
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) February 28, 2013