For National Write a Novel Month, have you ever competed in nanowrimo? (See link at bottom of page.) If not, have you ever attempted, completed, or published a novel? Short stories? Fan fiction?
What is the hottest and coldest temperature you ever experienced, and where was it? What’s the biggest storm you ever experienced?
How old were you when you first read on your own?
For Family Stories Month, do you have a collection of good family stories? Do you have any you want to share?
The Twitter Emitter
I like how hospital food is apparently designed to make you a repeat customer .
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 28, 2013
Voter fraud, one problem that America doesn't have, is the only problem the GOP is trying to solve.
— HELL-OL GOP (@LOLGOP) October 28, 2013
Say what you want about McDonald's but they do an amazing job of making Chicken McNuggets taste like chicken.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 28, 2013
The French celebrate Halloween by handing out ennui to children.
— OberFacts (@OberFacts) October 31, 2013
Appellate Court reinstates Texas abortion law, though some were suspicious when Perry, Abbott & Dewhurst were judges at the Halloween party.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) November 1, 2013
Shouldn’t Angry Birds Star Wars have started with Version 4.0?
— ¡socratic! (@socratic) November 1, 2013
Out of candy. Any kid who comes to my door will now receive a free anecdote about the time I met Lou Reed.
— Tim Siedell (@badbanana) November 1, 2013
Trick-or-treaters in Houston backed up at Ted Cruz's house for last 21 hours while he lectures them on the evils of Obamacare.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) November 1, 2013
Kids in my neighborhood know they get no candy unless they lead.
— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) October 31, 2013
Cory Booker sworn in to the Senate today, which means Newark firefighters will have to do their jobs instead of letting him save everyone.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) November 1, 2013