I am not amused.
Saw this story and it gave me pause over my morning coffee yesterday.
PETA dresses in KKK garb outside Westminster Dog Show
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals knows how to grab attention. And show off its laundry.The animal rights group, which every year stages a protest at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, had two of its members dress in Ku Klux Klan garb outside Madison Square Garden on Monday.
Their goal, according to a post on the PETA website, was to draw a parallel between the KKK and the American Kennel Club. “Obviously it’s an uncomfortable comparison,” PETA spokesman Michael McGraw told the Associated Press.
But the AKC is trying to create a “master race” when it comes to pure-bred dogs, he added. “It’s a very apt comparison.”
The group passed out brochures implying the Klan and AKC have the goal of “pure bloodlines” in common.
I own 3 dogs. All of them are mutts. I have also owned a Westie, a German Shepherd and a Chesapeake Bay Retriever who were purebred.
For the record, I watch the show at Westminster each year, and have attended dog shows in my area. My dogs and cats are rescue animals.
But that’s not what distressed me this morning. As a person who has actually seen the Klan ride as a child, and watched in fear as my dad confronted them armed with a shotgun, I am disgusted that an organization would trivialize the history of the Klan in this country to raise awareness (if that’s what they think they are doing) about animal rights.
From the PETA website:
Want to incite a media circus that almost-but not quite-descends into fisticuffs? Just put on a white sheet outside the AKC’s biggest dog show and let the dog biscuits fall where they may. Check out these photos from the protest at Madison Square Garden:
I will no longer listen to anything they have to say.
The KKK is not a joking matter.
Cross posted at DailyKos